Project-oriented organizations are ideal for mastering the challenges of the future. They go hand in hand with change, innovation, transformation, agility, long-term value creation, entrepreneurship, and collaboration.
That’s why, I recommend you the HBR article by Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez “The project economy has arrived” today. The article says that by 2027, some 88 million people around the world are likely to be working in project management, and the value of project-oriented economic activity will have reached $20 trillion. But research shows that only 35% of the projects undertaken worldwide are successful.
This can be improved by spanning not just the traditional project life cycle but also the pre- and post-project phases, to include aspirations and benefits. Therefore, he suggests a simple project canvas framework, a living document composed of 3 elements – foundation, people, and creation – to ensure that every project has a purpose and lines up with the organization’s strategy. It helps to ensure that all stakeholders, especially Project Manager and Project Sponsor are on the same page before, during and after the project.
I agree that the HBR Project Canvas presents the essential questions that lead to project success in a simple and clear way and should be reviewed regularly in workshops.
Have a read and check the Project Canvas!
PM&C: Competence for your project